Digital revolution with STAYGREEN and Fablab Venezia – Vega Technological Scientific Park

On the 18th of Febraury at 5pm STAYGREEN will participate at the special event organized by Fablab Venezia at Vega Technological Scientific Park in Venice.

A new way of learning and producing inside an innovative training space opened to researchers, creative people and families that looking at the future. Presentation of the digital fabrication laboratory project.

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Attico Golf Trophy – Ca’ Della Nave

Attico Interni is pleased to invite you Saturday, September 15, 2012 at the Golf Club Cà della Nave Golf Penthouse for Trophy Trophy.

Entertainment from 19.00 to 22.00 with prizes by the pool, drink and live music.

The event will be held in Cà della Nave Golf Club at Villa Morosini Grimani in Victory Square no. 14 to Martellago (VE)

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Request a free estimate


Strada Crosarona 52
30033 Noale (VE) - Italia
T. - 041 580 19 74
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Showroom Milano

Zona Brera - Via Pontaccio 19
20121 Milano (MI) - Italia
T. - 338 747 32 82

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